365 Prophetic Revelations from the Hebrew Calendar + MP3 Teaching


Do you want to align your life for greater blessing, fullness and abundance?

Would you like to know the times and seasons that will bring the greatest personal increase for you and the kingdom ?

The ancient secrets of the kingdom come forth when you learn the Hebrew calendar.

This bundle includes a copy of Dr. Candice’s “365 Prophetic Revelations from the Hebrew Calendar Book” and 13 Impartation Teachings in MP3 Format for immediate download that will take your understanding of God’s times and seasons to greater levels! See each topic👇

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Do you want to align your life for greater blessing, fullness and abundance?

Would you like to know the times and seasons that will bring the greatest personal increase for you and the kingdom ?

The ancient secrets of the kingdom come forth when you learn the Hebrew calendar.

This bundle includes a copy of Dr. Candice’s “365 Prophetic Revelations from the Hebrew Calendar Book” and 13 Impartation Teachings in MP3 Format for immediate download that will take your understanding of God’s times and seasons to greater levels! See each topic👇

All Book + MP3 Bundles receive FREE SHIPPING! 🙌

Do you want to align your life for greater blessing, fullness and abundance?

Would you like to know the times and seasons that will bring the greatest personal increase for you and the kingdom ?

The ancient secrets of the kingdom come forth when you learn the Hebrew calendar.

This bundle includes a copy of Dr. Candice’s “365 Prophetic Revelations from the Hebrew Calendar Book” and 13 Impartation Teachings in MP3 Format for immediate download that will take your understanding of God’s times and seasons to greater levels! See each topic👇

All Book + MP3 Bundles receive FREE SHIPPING! 🙌

Get Dr. Candice book “365 Prophetic Revelations from Hebrew calendar” along with 13 teachings on the subjects you will find in the book. These are additional teachings that highlight the first 3 chapters plus you will learn about the 7 Feasts of the Lord and Purim and Hanukkah and their importance for the calendar year.

This Mp3 set includes these 13 teachings:

  1. Why Christians Should Celebrate the Feasts

  2. Power of God’s calendar

  3. God’s Calendar Revealed

  4. Sowing in the Right Season -Promise to Come

  5. Revelation of the Ages

  6. Feast of Purim

  7. Passover- Jesus in the Passover

  8. 7 Blessings of Passover

  9. Pentecost- Feast of Pentecost

  10. Two Baptisms teaching

  11. Tabernacles- Festival of Joy

  12. 7 Blessings of Atonement

  13. Hanukkah- Festival of Dedication called Light of the World

These are the chapter teachings that match the book, 365 Prophetic Revelations from the Hebrew Calendar.

Experience Untapped Dimensions of Blessing, Fullness, and Encounter!
Is it possible modern believers are missing out on the fullness of Heaven by neglecting God’s prophetic calendar? Is there something the saints of old knew that we don’t?

With nearly two decades spent studying the dates recognized in the Hebrew and Christian calendars, internationally respected minister and teacher Dr. Candice Smithyman has found that, yes, we are indeed missing out.

Here she offers powerful, grace-filled instruction on how to align your life with Heaven’s prophetic timeline and unlock greater dimensions of His revelation, blessing, and supernatural insight. By accessing all Jewish major and minor holidays, Shabbats, new moon celebrations, and minor fasts, you’ll gain an in-depth understanding of the prophetic importance of the coming 2,000 years: God’s next age.

With warm encouragement and practical application for each day’s connection to God’s prophetic calendar, you’ll be empowered to:

  • See the ancient plans and purposes of God being carried out right before your very eyes.

  • Decode the 12 Hebrew months, plus the 13th month, and their alignment with the 12 tribes of Israel and constellations.

  • Discern prophecy correctly, recognize the movement of the Spirit, and partner with Heaven’s activity on Earth.

  • Set yourself up for life-changing God-encounters.

  • Understand unique times and seasons of supernatural visitation.

  • Sow and invest finances in times of unique abundance and blessing.

Don’t fall for the lie that the Jewish and Christian calendars are outdated or legalistic rituals. Come and meet with God on His appointed days and experience the completeness of His presence and blessings.

Forward by Sid Roth

Dr. Candice Smithyman hosts, “Your Path to Destiny,” which is seen on the It’s Supernatural Network (ISN). She and I personally share a great love for the glory of the Lord and seeing His glory be made manifest in the earth in these last days.  I believe this book, “365 Prophetic Revelations from the Hebrew Calendar,” will be a tool that God will use to unite both Jews and Gentiles alike in the revelation of the One New Man as we approach the return of Yeshua. This manual will help those that know nothing about the Hebrew calendar to be encouraged prophetically to know the times and seasons of the Lord. It will also help those who do know the Hebrew calendar to understand how it correlates monthly with the Gregorian calendar. As we approach the return of Yeshua and the release of golden global glory in the earth, it is important for us all to understand the overlap in the calendars so we can be ready as one and united in our faith in Yeshua. I believe this book will be a great asset prophetically now and, in the years, to come.

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